मराठी उद्योजिका Galore! – 28th May 2022 |
An event promoting the dashing Women Entrepreneurs operating in and around Sydney. Please keep visiting the MASI Facebook as we introduce all the participating Women Entrepreneurs. |
३ अंकी मराठी नाटक चारचौघी – २५ जून २०२२ |
समस्त मराठी प्रेक्षक, समीक्षक, वृत्तपत्रं यांनी गौरवलेलं एक गाजलेलं नाटक घेऊन येत आहेत सिडनीतील आपले हौशी कलाकार श्री प्रशांत दळवी लिखित आणि श्री संजय लेले दिग्दर्शित.
दि: २५ जून २०२२, वेळ: दु ४ वाजता
स्थळ: UNSW Science Theatre, Kensington
MASI Members: Gold – $50 | Silver: $30 | Bronze: $25
Non MASI Members: Gold – $60 | Silver: $40 | Bronze: $35
Ticket online booking: please use the following link: click here. All those who have booked tickets (Cash, Bank transfers or Online) will get their seat allocations via email. |
Sammelan Dates: 23 September 2022, 24 September 2022, 25 September 2022
VENUE: Kingston City Hall, Moorabbin
Ticket Categories below – Early Bird sales finish 15 June 2022.
Platinum Tickets: $500 | (no platinum early bird)
Gold Tickets: $350 | Early Bird $315
Silver Tickets: $180 | Early Bird $160
Silver Tickets: Family of 4 $575
For ticket Bookings and other information use this link |
नाट्यवेध एकांकिका विशेष- ०१ मे २०२२ |
संयोजकांच्या चष्म्यातून!
बर्याच दिवसांनी नाही तर बर्याच महिन्यानंतर मासीचा एक कार्यक्रम नुकताच पार पडला. कार्यक्रमाबाबत विविध लोकांनी Social media वर बऱ्याच posts टाकल्या आणि त्यावर अनेक चांगल्या प्रतिक्रया सुद्धा दिल्या. कुणी प्रत्यक्ष कार्यक्रमासाठी, कुणी संयोजनासाठी तर कुणी निवेदनासाठी, जवळपास सर्वांनीच खूप कौतूक केले. या कार्यक्रमाचे औचित्य साधून संयोजकांच्या चष्म्यातून…. असे कार्यक्रम घडण्यामागचा कार्यकारणभाव, त्यामागची समीकरणे याबाबत अगदी थोडक्यात… Read More
कार्यक्रमाबद्दल काही Social Media Posts
Ekankika Photos |
Other Updates |
- Business Directory: Growing rapidly, promote and support local businesses: All current MASI members can list their businesses for free on MASI website, please send in your requests via email to masisydney@gmail.com.
- Community Notice Board:
- Advertise with us: If you would like to advertise your events or business using platforms please email us masisydney@gmail.com
- Useful Links for New Migrants
GET MASI Membership! |
Get your 2022 MASI membership Online Payment as soon as possible to avail:
- Hari Om Foods Pty Ltd: Get vouchers worth $10 (Annual Memberships) and $20 (Life Membership) on Hari Om Foods products.
- Kalyani Transport Pty Ltd: 15% discount for all New (2022) members once in a year for hiring a minibus and 10% discount to all members once in a year.
- Discounted tickets for all upcoming MASI events in the current year 2022!
Connect with Us |
Stay up-to date with MASI activities and programs via any of the following:
Whats App Group, Website, MASI App, Email, Facebook |