[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI Introducing Online/Virtual Events MASI is excited to announce the following initiatives in trying our hands in art and creativity. For All Adults: We are bringing an online interactive and therapeutic art session to relax in these challenging times. Just leave all your chores for an hour and indulge in a new experience of 'Creations' This session will be conducted by Dr. Ila Deshpande who is an artist and paints across all genres of art. She is a passionate teacher last two decades and been instrumental in guiding students of all ages. She runs her own studio to facilitate extraordinary opportunities to her students like auction of paintings, participation in art exhibitions and competitions. So don't think twice and register your interest. Date: Sunday, 22Aug…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI Events Updates Hello All, Due to the COVID outbreak Kalidas Jayanti Event scheduled for 17th July was cancelled and we are in the process of issuing refunds please email: masisydney@gmail.com your requests for refund. The current conditions will have an impact on MASI's future events and programs and they may need to be re-scheduled. We shall keep you all posted, but in the meantime please take care and stay safe. Regards, MASI EC 2021 Australian Bureau Of Statistics Census 2021 नमस्कार, दर पाच वर्षांनी Australian Bureau Of Statistics जनगणना म्हणजे Census योजत असतें. येत्या *10 ऑगस्ट रोजी * आपण आपली माहिती ABS कडून आलेल्या फॉर्म वर किंवा ऑनलाईन देणार आहोत. घरातील असलेल्या व्यक्ती बद्दल वैयक्तिक तसेच शिक्षण, धर्म, आर्थिक अश्या स्वरूपाचे भरपूर प्रश्न असतील.…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड Kalidas Jayanti Event Update Hello All, Due to the current COVID outbreak and thereof restriction in place throughout Sydney, MASI and Kalidas Jayanti Committee have made the difficult decision to cancel the upcoming Kalidas Jayanti Event scheduled for 17th July. We appreciate the efforts of all those involved to stage the program and we will be working hard to re-organise the event as soon as conditions are conducive to do so in a COVID safe manner. We shall keep you all updated as things progress, but in the meantime all those who have booked their ticket please email: masisydney@gmail.com your requests for refund and MASI will refund the money on the same account the money came from. (Paypal or Credit Card). While we know this…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI Upcoming Events 2021 We are excited to announce the following events for this year 2021. Kalidas Jayanti - 17 Jul 2021 - More Information Ticket Booking Marathi Natak - 4th Sept 2021- More Details to follow soon Seniors Program - Sept 2021 Please note: whilst we are trying are best to get all the programs organised as per above timeline, given the current COVID restrictions and breakouts that keep popping these events may would need to be rescheduled or cancelled on a case by case basis. We request your kind co-operate should such conditions arise. सखी ग सखी 2021 MASI would like to thank the Sakhi ga Sakhi Committee, all volunteers, stall holders, caterers, sponsors and last but not the least all the Sakhi's…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI Upcoming Events 2021 We are excited to announce the following events for this year 2021. Sakhi ga Sakhi - 12 Jun 2021 - More Information - Ticket Booking closed Kalidas Jayanti - 17 Jul 2021 - More Information Ticket Booking Marathi Natak - 4th Sept 2021- More Details to follow soon Seniors Program - Sept 2021 Dasara - Oct 2021 Please note: whilst we are trying are best to get all the programs organised as per above timeline, given the current COVID restrictions and breakouts that keep popping these events may would need to be rescheduled or cancelled on a case by case basis. We request your kind co-operate should such conditions arise. सखी ग सखी 2021 Ticket Booking closed. No door Sale. See…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI Upcoming Events 2021 We are excited to announce the following events for this year 2021. Sakhi ga Sakhi - 12 Jun 2021 - More Information and Tickets Kalidas Jayanti - 17 Jul 2021 - More Information Natak - Aug 2021 Seniors Program - Sept 2021 Dasara - Oct 2021 Please note: whilst we are trying are best to get all the programs organised as per above timeline, given the current COVID restrictions and breakouts that keep popping these events may would need to be rescheduled or cancelled on a case by case basis. We request your kind co-operate should such conditions arise. सखी ग सखी 2021 हरवलेले ते दिवस गवसतील का पुन्हा, वाटे आज अनुभवावा तोच दिवस जुना!! चला तर मग बारा जूनला साऱ्याजणी…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI Upcoming Events 2021 We are excited to announce the following events for this year 2021. Sakhi ga Sakhi - Jun 2021 Kalidas Jayanti - Jul 2021 Natak - Aug 2021 Seniors Program - Sept 2021 Dasara - Oct 2021 We will shortly announce concessional entry to MASI member discounts for some of the above programs. We have already announced discounts from Hari Om Foods as mentioned below. सखी ग सखी हरवलेले ते दिवस येतील का पुन्हा जगलो आज आणि उद्या तोच दिवस जुना !! नशिबानेच एकदा पुन्हा कुठेतरी भेटू आठवणीला एकदा एकत्र मिळून वेचू !!तेच आठवणीतले क्षण वेचण्याची आणि नवीन आठवणी तयार करण्यासाठी संधी माझ्या सख्यांनो MASI (मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इंक) आपल्याला देत आहे.धम्माल परफॉर्मन्सेस, मनोरंजक टॉकशोज आणि भरपूर गेम्स……जोडीला रुचकर जेवण. ह्याचा आस्वाद…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI Events 2021 We are excited to announce the following events for this year 2021. Kalidas Jayanti - Jul 2021 Natak - Aug 2021 Sakhi g Sakhi - TBA (EOI for committee) Senior's Program - Sept 2021 Dasara - Oct 2021 Please note that these programs and timelines are tentative. We will try and stick to this schedule there may be a few changes based on availability of venues, restrictions etc. We are requesting an EOI from those who would want to form the committee for Sakhi g Sakhi program/event. Please send in your interests via email to masisydney@gmail.com or via the link. We will shortly announce concessional entry to MASI member discounts for some of the above programs. We have already announced discounts from…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI EC Team 2021 Hello All, This is the first newsletter from the new MASI EC Team for 2021 and we would like to take this opportunity to thank MASI for entrusting us to work as EC and also thank the out going MASI EC team on behalf of us and all the MASI members for their contributions through the pandemic stricken times. We are happy to introduce the new MASI EC Team for the year 2021 as follows: President: Shridhar Bhagwat Vice President: Amit Thite Treasurer: Vaibhav Limaye Secretary: Rasik Kulkarni Communications Manager: Radhika Mogarkar As we slowly and safely move back to normality from the unprecedented COVID pandemic, we as a team are excited and very much looking forward to connecting back with…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI AGM 2021 MASI's Annual General Meeting will be held on February 6, 2021. Gates open at 3:30 pm for a 4.00 pm start Venue: Model Farm High School, Gooden Drive, Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153 Please RSVP via email to masisydney@gmail.com OR Please complete the following form MASI_ AGM_2021_RSVP Expression of interest for MASI EC TEAM 2021-22, please use the following form and send it to masisydney@gmail.com nomination_form Note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings, we can only accommodate 60-70 people to attend AGM apart from a few key MASI and Sammelan committee members. So upon receiving your RSVP, we shall confirm availability of seats. The invitations will be sent on first come first served basis. Connect with MASI - MASI's new look website…