MASI Presents, Niche Entertainment, Pune |
सिडनीतील सर्व रसिक प्रेक्षकांनी दिलेल्या उत्स्फूर्त प्रतिसादामुळे आपल्या सर्वांच्या मनोरंजासाठी मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी (MASI) यांच्या सहाय्याने घेऊन येत आहोत, Niche Entertainment, Pune प्रस्तुत दोन आगळे वेगळे सांगीतिक कार्यक्रम.
Click here to view full flyer |
“Black & White” … हिंदी कृष्णधवल चित्रपटांच्या कारकीर्दीवर आधारलेली ही दृक-श्राव्य प्रस्तुती, चित्रपट संगीताच्या कार्यक्रमाला एक वेगळीच उंची प्राप्त करून देते. आणि म्हणूनच हा कार्यक्रम बघताना तो काळ प्रत्यक्ष अनुभवायला मिळतो, जगायला मिळतो. जगभरच्या रसिकांनी गेली दहा वर्षे हा कार्यक्रम सफलतेच्या शिखरावर नेऊन ठेवलाय तो यामुळेच.
संकल्पना आणि दिग्दर्शन: :मिलिंद ओक.
सूत्रधार: :राहुल सोलापूरकर.
गायक कलाकार: :चैतन्य कुलकर्णी, जितेंद्र अभ्यंकर, स्वरदा गोडबोले, आणि मृण्मयी तिरोडकर.
दिवस: : शनिवार, १८ मार्च २०१७
स्थळ: : Performing Arts Centre, Pacific Hills Christian School,
9-15 Quarry Road, Dural NSW 2158.
Black & White: वेळ: दुपारी ३:१५ ते ५:३० (03:15 PM to 05:30 PM)
तिकीट दर *: $५०, $३५, $२० ( $50, $35, $20)
*Paypal/Credit Card booking fees apply. Ticket purchase at the venue not available. Tickets to both shows must be purchased separately. A printed copy of the ticket is necessary for entry into the hall. Children under 5 years are admitted free, but no seat will be allocated. Food for Sale.
तिकीट विक्री:Click on Link:
माहितीसाठी संपर्क: :उदय कुलकर्णी – ०४३९ १३० ७२९, राहुल कुलकर्णी – ०४७८ ४०७ ६९०
Click here to view full flyer |
“माणूस ते देऊळ बंद” …. या नावाप्रमाणेच मराठी चित्रपट सृष्टीच्या इतिहासाचा, त्याच्या कारकिर्दीचा मागोवा घेणारा एक सांगीतिक प्रवास. तसाच माणसाच्या ‘माणूस’ असण्यापासून ते त्यानीच निर्माण केलेल्या देवळाच्या ‘देऊळ बंद’ चा प्रवास. १९१३ साली दादासाहेब फाळके यांनी चालू केलेली चित्रपट सृष्टी ही कोणत्याही मराठी माणसाला अभिमान वाटावा अशी गोष्ट. विविध गीतकार, संगीतकार, दिग्दर्शक, गायक, गायिका अशा अनेक कलाकारांनी या सृष्टीला नावारूपास आणून, ही सांस्कृतिक परंपरा अव्याहतपणे चालू ठेवली. या सर्वांना मानाचा मुजरा म्हणजेच आमचा हा कार्यक्रम “माणूस ते देऊळबंद”.
संकल्पना आणि दिग्दर्शन: :मिलिंद ओक.
सूत्रधार: :राहुल सोलापूरकर.
गायक कलाकार: :चैतन्य कुलकर्णी, जितेंद्र अभ्यंकर, स्वरदा गोडबोले, आणि मृण्मयी तिरोडकर.
दिवस: : शनिवार, १८ मार्च २०१७
स्थळ: : Performing Arts Centre, Pacific Hills Christian School,
9-15 Quarry Road, Dural NSW 2158.
वेळ: : माणूस ते देऊळ बंद: सायंकाळी ६:३० ते ८:४५ (06:30 PM to 08:45 PM)
तिकीट दर *: $५०, $३५, $२० ( $50, $35, $20)
*Paypal/Credit Card booking fees apply. Ticket purchase at the venue not available. Tickets to both shows must be purchased separately. A printed copy of the ticket is necessary for entry into the hall. Children under 5 years are admitted free, but no seat will be allocated. Food for Sale.
तिकीट विक्री:Click on Link:
माहितीसाठी संपर्क: :उदय कुलकर्णी – ०४३९ १३० ७२९, राहुल कुलकर्णी – ०४७८ ४०७ ६९०
Kathakayan – A Cultural Cognizance |
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सुखांशी भांडतो आम्ही ! – Canberra |

MASI निर्मित ,श्री अभिराम भडकमकर लिखित आणि नेपोलियन आल्मेडा दिग्दर्शित
सुखांशी भांडतो आम्ही ! या नाटकाचा तीसरा प्रयोग राजधानी मराठी मंडळ कॅनबेरा यांच्या वतीने, शनिवार दिनांक ४ मार्चला कॅनबेरा येथे सादर होणार आहे. इच्छुक रसिकांनी तिकीटासाठी सौ. शुभदा शुक्ला यांच्याशी 0433 992 340 किंव्हा नेपोलियन आल्मेडा यांच्याशी 0402 057 014 या क्रमांकावर संपर्क साधावा ही विनंती. तसेच आपल्या मित्रांस व नातेवाइकांस कार्यक्रमाविषयी कळवावे.
दिवस: : शनिवार, ४ मार्च २०१७
वेळ: दुपारी ४:०० वाजता (04:00 PM)
स्थळ: : Belconnen Community Centre, 26 Chandler St, Belconnen ACT 2617.
Fund Raising Appeal: Bhakti Marathe |
I am participating in Westpac Tour 200 – a cycling event which aims to raise $500,000 for cancer research, support and awareness.
From 5-7 March 2017 along with 99 other riders, I will cycle 300 km from Sydney to Bowral, to Wollongong and back to Barangaroo, visiting schools and branches along the way and share a ‘be fit, be healthy, be happy’ cancer prevention message.
My goal is to raise $3000.00 of which I am making personal contribution of $500.00
Please go to my profile page, reach out your hearts (and hands into your wallets) to donate generously towards this worthy cause. Any amount big or small is welcome. All personal donations are tax deductible.
Should you have any questions or require further information regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to your support and largesse!
If above link does not work, copy paste the following url:
Fund Raising Appeal – Dr Amit Samarth |
Fund Raising Appeal from Dr Amit Samarth – For RAAM 2017 – Race Across America
Race Across America (RAAM) is the toughest cycling endurance event in the world. RAAM is seen as a pinnacle of athletic achievement not only in cycling circles but the greater sporting community as well. It is a 5000 km race across America from West to East. This distance is to be covered on a bicycle in as little as 12 days. It is the world’s longest time trial…the ultimate race of truth.
The massive endurance challenge is one of the toughest in the world, and Dr. Amit Samarth from Nagpur, India is prepared to set a record for India, since no other Indian has yet, individually accomplished this feat. He is a triathlete and has a number of accolades to his credit. In his effort to train for this huge challenge, Dr. Samarth recently successfully cycled 2000 kms in India within set time.
To take on the challenge of RAAM, an amount of $200,000 is required – which only includes equipment, training and crewing. Amit Samarth needs your support and contribution in accomplishing this feat for India and reaching out to a global audience. Every single contribution, however big or small gives the man a boost in courage and confidence, because it tells him that Indians are proud to have hardworking, spirited sportsmen. Please donate generously for this cause so we can see the Indian flag fluttering at the RAAM finish line in 2017 for the first time.
This completion will not only instil faith in Indians that we can attempt the toughest endurance events successfully but also create space for him to spread the health and pro-active message in India.
Please visit for more information. The contributions can be made on
Story Time : High School leavers of 2016! |
Congratulations to all High School leavers of 2016!
Your HSC allows you to pursue the degree and/or career of your liking. Whilst going into a University is one way, there are alternate avenues to land into the course you feel passionate about – colleges, TAFE and other tertiary institutions and of-course Uni.Your success is admirable! The efforts you put into this achievement are rewardable!!
Nitin Kundap would like to award 3 HSC Students (passed in 2016) for following their professional dream. Just tell us why you want to study the field you are entering, the biggest challenge you have faced and how you overcame it to land in the right course. Tell us your HSC score, ATAR, a brief description of your dream career and the course you will start this year.
Please send in your brief story in max 250 words. Three best stories will receive a reward of $100 each in next MASI Program.
Email your story to in 250 words or less. Closing date 10 Feb 2017.
HSC Toppers – 2016 |
Like each year MASI requests you to send nominations for HSC prizes for high ATAR achieved in 2016. Please send your nominations to
MASI Annual General Meeting 2017 |
MASI AGM will be held on 05th March 2017. All Life members and current Annual Members are invited.
Venue: Revesby Community Centre, Macarthur Avenue, Revesby NSW 2212
Time: 3:30pm (for a 4:00pm start ) to 6:00pm
Please RSVP by email :
Click Here: Nomination Form.
Click Here: Notice of Motion.
Membership for 2017 are now open! |
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