[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड ३ अंकी मराठी नाटक चारचौघी - २५ जून २०२२ समस्त मराठी प्रेक्षक, समीक्षक, वृत्तपत्रं यांनी गौरवलेलं एक गाजलेलं नाटक घेऊन येत आहेत सिडनीतील आपले हौशी कलाकार श्री प्रशांत दळवी लिखित आणि श्री संजय लेले दिग्दर्शित. दि: २५ जून २०२२, वेळ: दु ४ वाजता स्थळ: UNSW Science Theatre, Kensington GOLD Tickets SOLD OUT: MASI Members: Silver: $30 | Bronze: $25 Non MASI Members: Silver: $40 | Bronze: $35 Pre-purchase your food coupons, Food coupon’s cannot be purchased at the venue: please use the following link: Food Coupons and Ticket bookings click here. All those who have booked tickets (Cash, Bank transfers or Online) will get their seat allocations via email. AKHIL AUSTRALIA MARATHI SAMMELAN 2022 STARTS 16 JUN ! महाराष्ट्राची विचारधारा, संत परंपरा, इतिहास, सांस्कृतिक वारसा…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड मराठी उद्योजिका Galore! - 28th May 2022 Date: 28th May 2022 | Time: 12:00pm to 5:00pm | Venue: Redgum Function Centre, Wentworthville | Entry Free for all, so get ready to treat yourself to a shopping galore…. ३ अंकी मराठी नाटक चारचौघी - २५ जून २०२२ समस्त मराठी प्रेक्षक, समीक्षक, वृत्तपत्रं यांनी गौरवलेलं एक गाजलेलं नाटक घेऊन येत आहेत सिडनीतील आपले हौशी कलाकार श्री प्रशांत दळवी लिखित आणि श्री संजय लेले दिग्दर्शित. दि: २५ जून २०२२, वेळ: दु ४ वाजता स्थळ: UNSW Science Theatre, Kensington Tickets: MASI Members: Gold - $50 | Silver: $30 | Bronze: $25 Non MASI Members: Gold - $60 | Silver: $40 | Bronze: $35 Ticket online booking: please use the following link: click here. All those who have booked tickets…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड मराठी उद्योजिका Galore! - 28th May 2022 An event promoting the dashing Women Entrepreneurs operating in and around Sydney. Please keep visiting the MASI Facebook as we introduce all the participating Women Entrepreneurs. ३ अंकी मराठी नाटक चारचौघी - २५ जून २०२२ समस्त मराठी प्रेक्षक, समीक्षक, वृत्तपत्रं यांनी गौरवलेलं एक गाजलेलं नाटक घेऊन येत आहेत सिडनीतील आपले हौशी कलाकार श्री प्रशांत दळवी लिखित आणि श्री संजय लेले दिग्दर्शित. दि: २५ जून २०२२, वेळ: दु ४ वाजता स्थळ: UNSW Science Theatre, Kensington Tickets: MASI Members: Gold - $50 | Silver: $30 | Bronze: $25 Non MASI Members: Gold - $60 | Silver: $40 | Bronze: $35 Ticket online booking: please use the following link: click here. All those who have booked tickets (Cash, Bank transfers or…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड More Reasons to GET MASI Membership! Get your 2022 MASI membership Online Payment as soon as possible to avail: Hari Om Foods Pty Ltd: Get vouchers worth $10 (Annual Memberships) and $20 (Life Membership) on Hari Om Foods products. Kalyani Transport Pty Ltd: 15% discount for all New (2022) members once in a year for hiring a minibus and 10% discount to all members once in a year. Discounted tickets for all upcoming MASI events in the current year 2022! MASI EC would like to extend a big THANK YOU to our proud Sponsors! नाट्यवेध - एकांकिका विशेष - ०१ मे २०२२ May 1st 2022 @ 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm Venue: Redgum Function Centre, Wentworthville Booking Link Premium - SOLD OUT, MASI Members –…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड नाट्यवेध - एकांकिका विशेष - ०१ मे २०२२ May 1 2022 @ 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm Venue: Redgum Function Centre, Wentworthville Tickets open for all 7th April onwards Booking Link MASI Members Premium - $40, Non MASI Members Premium – $50, MASI Members – $20, Non MASI Members – $30. For more information or issues with ticket bookings please contact via masisydney@gmail.com. मराठी नाटक चारचौघी - २५ जून २०२२ Marathi Natak: Charchoughi - June 25 2022 Venue: UNSW Science Theatre, Kensington मराठी उद्योजिका Galore! - 28th May 2022 Save the above dates for the upcoming programs Get your 2022 MASI membership online as soon as possible to avail discounted tickets for all upcoming MASI events in the current year and receive vouchers worth $10…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड नाट्यवेध - एकांकिका विशेष - ०१ मे २०२२ नमस्कार मंडळी, गेल्या दोन वर्षाच्या Covid च्या काळात आपण फारसं भेटू शकलो नाही. त्यामुळे आपला connect थोडा कमीच झाला होता. आपण काही प्रमाणात Online भेटलो, पण आता प्रत्यक्षात भेटी-गाठी करणं शक्य आहे आणि आवश्यकही आहे. चला तर मग, लवकरच मासी त्यासाठी एक सुंदर कार्यक्रम घेऊन येत आहे - "नाट्यवेध - एकांकिका विशेष". ह्या कार्यक्रमात आम्ही सादर करणार आहोत दोन एकांकिका आणि महाराष्ट्र दिनानिमित्त छोटासा सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम. तेव्हा लवकरात लवकर ह्या फेसबुक इव्हेंटला RSVP द्या. दि: ०१ मे २०२२ वेळ: दु. ३:०० पासून ठिकाण: Redgum Function Centre , Wentworthville तिकीट बुकिंग बद्दल माहिती लवकरच उपलब्ध होईल. MASI's Other Upcoming Events 2022 मराठी उद्योजिका Galore! - 28th May 2022 Char Choughi - 25th June 2022: नाटका संदर्भातील निवेदन Save…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI EC 2022 We are happy to announce the formation of the new MASI EC for the year 2022. Shridhar Bhagwat - President Amit Thite - Vice President Rasik Kulkarni - Secretary Sanjivan Deshpande - Treasurer Radhika Mogarkar - Communication Manager. With restrictions easing we look forward to working together with you all members to bring back face to face traditional & innovative programs and events this year. Get your 2022 MASI membership online as soon as possible to avail discounted tickets for upcoming MASI events in the current year and receive vouchers worth $10 (Annual Memberships) and $20(Life Membership) on Hari Om Foods products. We are happy to announce the following events for the current year: Marathi Ekankika: 1st May 2022, More details and…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI AGM 2022 Venue: Dundas Community Centre, Address: 21 Sturt Street, Telopea, NSW 2117. Date: 19th Feb 2022 Time: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm All current Annual members (Year 2022) and Life members are invited to attend this Annual General Meeting. If you wish to review the MOM for AGM 2021 or financial statement please send us a request on masisydney@gmail.com and we shall email them to you. To send your RSVP, access Nomination form for MASI EC 2022, Notice of Motion please use the following link: AGM 2022 Info All completed nomination forms and/or notice of motion should be emailed to masisydney@gmail.com. OR Email your RSVP to masisydney@gmail.com. Please include the following details: Your Name, email, vaccination status - Double vaccinated: Yes/No, MASI Member…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI Annual General Meeting 2022 Marathi Association Sydney Incorporated will conduct its Annual General Meeting on the 19th Feb 2022. Venue: Dundas Community Centre, Address: 21 Sturt Street, Telopea, NSW 2117. Date: 19th Feb 2022 Time: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm All current Annual members (Year 2022) and Life members are invited to attend this Annual General Meeting. If you wish to review the MOM for AGM 2021 or financial statement please send us a request on masisydney@gmail.com and we shall email them to you. To send your RSVP, access Nomination form for MASI EC 2022, Notice of Motion please use the following link: AGM 2022 Info All completed nomination forms and/or notice of motion should be emailed to masisydney@gmail.com. OR Email your RSVP to…
[READ-ONLINE] मराठी असोसिएशन सिडनी इन्कॉर्पोरेटेड MASI Event Updates Due to concerns over the outbreak of Omicron (COVID-19) and in consideration of the health and safety of participants, volunteers and the community overall, we have decided to postpone the upcoming Marathi Natak Char Choughi scheduled for end of Jan 2022. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and kindly ask for your understanding. We are working towards our first event for this year 2022 - Marathi Ekankika and we shall keep you posted about the event as prevailing conditions improve. अखिल ऑस्ट्रेलिया मराठी संमेलन 2022 For more information on the Sammelan please click the following link: All Australia Marathi Sammelan 2022 for any further information please contact masisydney@gmail.com मासी सभासदत्व 2022 २०२२ हे वर्ष याहून अधिक कार्यक्रमांची पर्वणी घेऊन…